The applications for the 2025/2026 School Year are now available. Preschool Applications can be found at the school counter or in the links below. When you’re ready to register your child, please use the registration button below to open the link and submit a completed application to a teacher, or via email to thehoneybeepreschool@yahoo.com. Registration fees must be paid in person.
Summer Session Registration
Join us this summer for our June/July weekly sessions as we explore:
Dinosaurs June 2nd-20th
I scream You Scream: Ice Cream! June 24th -July 15th
A Palm Tree in Hawaii: July 22nd -31st
For families interested in enrolling in the school year please fill out a registration form and send it either to thehoneybeepreschool@yahoo.com,
or bring it in to the classroom along with the registration fee to ensure your place in our program.
For all of our enrolled families we have an electronic copy of our current school year handbook. New families will receive a hardcopy with their welcome folder at the start of the year.
Honeybee Preschool follows the Anchorage School District Calendar as well as observing all major federal and state holidays. Any closure’s beyond this will be notified to the parents with at least one week advanced notice.
Summer Enrollment
For families interested into our summer play program they can submit a Summertime application. There is no registration fee for summer enrollment, and can be paid weekly so parents are free to plan last minute vacations, or just get out and enjoy our beautiful Alaskan summers.